Friday, February 12, 2010

Biblical Bluffs

A lot of people tell me to 'be careful when making cartoons from the Bible or religious spoofs.  I usually tell them, "If God didn't have a sense of humor, then I would even be here drawing these cartoons". Then they usually end the conversation by pointing one finger to the clouds and in an echo voice bellow, "Heed my warning!" or something prophetic like all that papal bull. Then they would grow wings and ascend into the skies. Here's a few Bluffs that are just cute and harmless. 

The ones I got a little flack on were ones like 'Jesus at the Fraternity' and one of his frat bros saying to another, 'you should see what this guy can do with a jug of water'. Or the one with the little kids sitting on Santa's lap saying, "if Jesus was born on Christmas and died on Easter, he really didn't live very long, did he?" There's a lot more I need to dig up. But the one I like is Moses in front of his mirror with a comb and a hair dryer with the caption reading 'MOSES PARTING HIS HAIR'.

I'm usually pretty fair when I attempt the religious puns and the holy humor. I did my penance by attending catholic school for 12 years, so a lot of my humor comes from many a guilt trip. I drew one on the Friar's Club where the roastmaster is named Chaplin Charlie and they are roasting the Abbot, Costello. And, the only other one that comes to mind is the History Bluff I drew of a huge crowd of people in the desert, with the caption reading "Jesus feeds the 5000" and someone shouting "What? Fish again!"

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