Sunday, December 19, 2010

About the Artist and the Cartoon


Mein namen ist Cory Benjamin Geishauser, and I’ve shortened it to Corben Geis, just for kicks and because of writer’s cramp. I am a huge fan of art and history, but not ‘art history’. I mean, besides ‘the flying buttresses’, there’s really nothing funny about art history. (OK, Sister Wendy does kinda remind me of Austin Powers in a habit….note to self…work on the funny there.)Google Images of Sr. Wendy, and you'll understand.

I attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, where I worked my internship with my boyhood hero, the late and great, Mr. Fred Rogers. Besides being an activities director for a personal care home, I have been teaching an after school arts program I developed called “The Art Funshops”. I had a great experience a few years back to instruct art at Camp Crayola, for Binney and Smith’s 100th Anniversary Celebration.

I draw caricatures on the side, actually on my rump and I have been a walking cartoon for the past 10 years for The Pittsburgh Pirates Minor League Baseball Team, THE ALTOONA CURVE. I’m the sports mascot STEAMER (check my website out for photos )

To bluff a bit on General MacArthur's famous last words, "I HAVE RETURNED!" I previously had my strip History Bluffs here before and I got a lot of great feedback and hilarious critiques. One of my favorites was, "I never knew much about American History, and now I really don't".

I recently put my new website online, and had a handful of people write to me and ask,"Where the Bluff Bluff are the Bluffs!" Folks actually read them at Sherpa and demanded I bring them back, for their weekly (weakly) dose. One of the coolest compliments I got from another reader, and I actually cut it out and stuck in on my fridge, was "THE FAR SIDE IS TO SCIENCE AS HISTORY BLUFFS IS TO.... HISTORY". Thanks, mom.

I've always wanted to be a WRITER, AN ILLUSTRATOR, A DIRECTOR, AN ACTOR & A COMEDIAN, and I can be all of those by being a CARTOONIST.

To quote and quirk the late Captain James Lawrence, "Don't give up the STRIP!"

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