Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Thought Process and President's Day

 How do cartoonists come up with funnies daily? How can one be funny everyday?  Well, most cartoons aren't funny every single day.  There are the smile days, the snicker days, the chuckle and put your belly and shoulders into days, and then there's the slap your knee and make root beer squirt out your nose bellow laughing days.  It depends on the reader.  If a cartoon strikes a personal nerve, that's when the hearty laughs come out.

I went to Catholic school for 12 years, so a lot of the guilt I went through shines out in my cartoons.  I absolutely love the writing part of cartooning.  I have an entire notebook filled with ideas on future comics. It's kind of like a journal, but in it are phrases, sketchy thumbnail drawings and a bunch of one-liner jokes.  At the top of some of my pages, I'll have topics for that page, so I can bounce around in the notebook.

Some pages I'll have prehistoric themed cartoons, and others I'll have colonial and anti-bellum cartoon ideas.  Although, there's not much funny about war, I had so much respect for Bob Hope when he went overseas to visit the troops, that I think when people are in distress, humor is the right 'stress reliever'.  Some cartoons just write themselves, for example, the Fort Pillow Massacre.  What an easy pillow fight cartoon to draw.

I come up with ideas at all different times of the day. I'm not anymore creative be in morning, noon or night. Although, I find I have more time and creative juices after midnight. And, that's due to lack of sleep and being just plain delerious.  I'm looking in my notebook and I have a section on President's Day.  On this particular page, I don't have anything funny written down......yet.  I just  have presidential facts that I can perhaps turn into fiction with my History Bluffs. The great thing about history, is with one particular event, I may be able to write a half dozen puns. 

Check out some of my Prez info., and I know there's a lot of funny stuff in here, somewherez...
* Geo Washington was the only pres who did not represent a political party.
* John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826 on the 50th anniversary of the    D.O.I
* James Madison first prez to wear trousers rather than knee breeches.
* James Monroe was the first prez to ride a steamboat.
* John Quincy Adams skinny dipped often in the Potomac
* Old Hickory Jackson was the first prez to ride a train
* Martin Van Buren was called Old Kinderhook, and the term OK is credited to him
* William Henry Harrison...Tippacanoe and Tyler too campaign slogan
* James K. Polk actually fulfilled all of his campaign promises. (wow!)
* Zachary Taylor...was ugly and cheap... received nomination for prez late because he refused all postage due correspondences.
* Milliard Fillmore has a cartoon close to his name...Mallard Fillmore...hahaha ..true.
* Franklin Pierce was first prez to have a Christmas tree in the WH
*James Buchanan was the only prez to never marry and played lots of cards with da boys
* Abe Lincoln... I don't know anything about this guy! lol
* Andrew Johnson was a boozer, and an illiterate until his wife taught him Readin, Riting and Rithmatic
* US Grant is on the $50 bill and established the nation's first national park, Yellowstone.
* Rutherford B. Hayes banished liquor and wine from the WH.  He started the Easter Egg rolls on the WH lawns.
* James A. Garfield was the last of 7 prez to be born in a log cabin.
* Chester A. Arthur nickname was 'Elegant Arthur'
* Grover Cleveland personally answered the WH phone. ( of course it was probably as big as a refrigerator back then )
* Benjamin Harrison was the first prez to use electricity in the WH and got an electrical shock.
* Bill McKinley was the first prez to ride in an automobile.
* Teddy Roosevelt was the first to call it the White House, before it was the executive mansion or prez. house.
* William H. taft got stuck in the bathtub
* Woody Wilson rasied a flock of sheep on the WH lawn. That was a baaaaaad move.
* Warren G. Harding was first prez to speak over radio and wore a size 14 shoe.
* Cal Coolidge nick name was Silent Cal.
* Herbie Hoover donated his salary to charity.
* FDR was the first prez whose mother was eligible to vote for him
* Harry S Truman first to give a speech on TV
* Ike Eisenhower was the only prez to serve in WW1 and WW2
* JFK was Roman Catholic and first prez born in the 20th century.
* LBJ took oath aboard Air Force One
* Tricky Dicky Nixon was the only prez to resign
* Gerald Ford was a clutz and a great golfer and was once a fashion model
* Jimmy Carter was the first prez born in a hospital and was a speed reader
* Ronnie 'the Gipper' Reagan was the oldest prez elected at 69
* Geo HW Bush and Bar have a great sense of humor, just look at their kids.
* Billy Clinton plays a mean saxaphone
* W. owned the Texas Rangers MLB team
* Barack Obama has a hot wife.

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